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ASIA-16 is an ISA, and a successor to ASIA. Each instruction has 16 bits, while ASIA only has 11. Of the five extra bits, four are a new register reference and one is an extra bit of opcode. As there are now three registers, each register reference is four bits and each register holds eight bits, two registers can be put together into a constant, and also have room for a register.

This added flexibility leads to some new, more powerful concepts:

  • Three-register operations. In ASIA, the only way to add two numbers was to overwrite one of them with the answer. (For example, A = A+B). Now, both registers A and B can be preserved.
  • Working with constants. We can load constants, and also increment and decrement by the constant.
  • Compare-and-jump. ASIA-16 does away with booleans. All comparisons are done inside of the jump. This saves register space and cycles.
  • Compare-and-execute. Cell operations have options for inlining comparisons. For example, in ASIA, RNE would take at least three cycles. Now, it takes one.

An instruction looks like this:

O - Opcode
A - Register A
B - Register B
C - Register C

or, like this:

O - Opcode
x - Constant
C - Register C

Of the possible 65335 instructions, 20738 are unique.

GB OpCode Mnemonic Description # Unique Instructions
0 0000 INC C Increment C. C = C + 1 7
0 0001 DEC C Decrement C. C = C - 1 7
0 0010 ICC x C Increment C by x. C = C + x 1792
0 0011 DCC x C Decrement C by x. C = C - x 1792
0 0100 ADD A B C Add. C = A + B 1792
0 0101 SUB A B C Subtract. C = A - B 1792
0 0110 MUL A B C Multiply. C = A*B 1792
0 0111 DIV A B C Divide (Round down). C = A/B 1792
0 1000 AND A B C And. C = A and B 1792
0 1001 OR A B C Or. C = A or B 1792
0 1010 INV A C Invert. C = not A 112
0 1011 XOR A B C Exclusive Or. C = B xor A 1792
0 1100 SRL A C Shift C Right. C = A » 1 112
0 1101 SLL A C Shift C Left. C = A « 1 112
0 1110 MOV A C Move A to C. C = A 112
0 1111 LOD x C Loads a value. C = x 1792
1 0000 REP Reproduce. 1
1 0001 ATK Attack. 1
1 0010 MOV Move. 1
1 0011 JMP Jump. 1
1 0100 JLT A B Jump if A < B. 256
1 0101 JGT A B Jump if A > B. 256
1 0110 JET A B Jump if A == B. 256
1 0111 JNE A B Jump if A != B. 256
1 1000 RET A B Reproduce if A == B. 256
1 1001 RNE A B Reproduce if A != B. 256
1 1010 AET A B Attack if A == B. 256
1 1011 ANE A B Attack if A != B. 256
1 1100 MET A B Move if A == B. 256
1 1101 MNE A B Move if A != B. 256
1 1110 NPA NOP A. 1
1 1111 NPB NOP B. 1
projects/archevo/asia16.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/02 04:30 by Owen Mellema