====== ASIA ======
**ASIA**, short for **A**rchEvo **S**tandard **I**nstruction set **A**rchitecture, is an [[projects:archevo:ISA]] in ArchEvo. It was the original ISA that was created for ArchEvo. It was the only ISA supported in ArchEvo Classic, and is currently the only available ISA in ArchEvo Pangea, although research is being done on it's successor.
===== Instructions =====
ASIA instructions are eleven bits long.
O - Opcode
1 - Register 1
2 - Register 2
===== Operations =====
ASIA uses the [[projects:archevo:isa#ghost_bits|Ghost Bit]] system, so while there are only three bits of opcode, there are 16 possible instructions.
^ GB ^ Opcode ^ Command ^ Description ^ Action Type ^
| 0 | 000 | INC | Increments reg1 | RegisterUpdate |
| 0 | 001 | DEC | Decrements reg1 | RegisterUpdate |
| 0 | 010 | SLL | Shifts reg1 left | RegisterUpdate |
| 0 | 011 | SRL | Shifts reg1 right | RegisterUpdate |
| 0 | 100 | MOV | Move value of reg2 to reg1 | RegisterUpdate |
| 0 | 101 | SLT | Set reg1 to 0xFF if reg1 < reg2 else 0x00 | RegisterUpdate |
| 0 | 110 | SGT | Set reg1 to 0xFF if reg1 > reg2 else 0x00 | RegisterUpdate |
| 0 | 111 | SET | Set reg1 to 0xFF if reg1 = reg2 else 0x00 | RegisterUpdate |
| 1 | 000 | REP | Reproduce at IPLOC | Reproduce |
| 1 | 001 | JMP | Jump* | MoveInstructionPointer |
| 1 | 010 | JMC | Jump* if reg2 = 0xFF | MoveInstructionPointer |
| 1 | 011 | MOV | Move cell in direction of IPLOC | Move |
| 1 | 100 | NON | //UNASSIGNED// | DoNothing |
| 1 | 101 | NPA | NOP A, part of jump templating | DoNothing |
| 1 | 110 | NPB | NOP B, part of jump templating | DoNothing |
| 1 | 111 | ATK | Attack cell at IPLOC | Attack |
*Jumping uses [[ projects:archevo:isa#template_jumps | Template Jumps ]]
===== Registers =====
There are two types of registers - virtual and physical. Physical registers are the eight registers that actually exist in the Cell. Virtual registers are registers that exist outside of the cell, at the [[projects:archevo:isa#iploc | IPLOC]]. (( The IPLOC is register 7 ))
The first bit of the register pointer represents whether or not it is virtual. If the register is physical, the first bit will be 0. If virtual, it will be 1. The last three bits are the register number.
We have R/W access to all physical registers except 0b0000, which is energy.